
I am a developmental psychologist with a focus on conceptual development in children. I explore the relationship between language and conceptual development, particularly in the domains of spatial and numerical cognition. I have also been working on developing theoretical and methodological approaches for translating and implementing findings from developmental science in practical spaces such as preschool classrooms. Please click here for my lab website.

I joined the Wesleyan University Psychology Department in 2007, where I teach and direct research in the Wesleyan Cognitive Development Laboratories. In 2020, I helped to establish Wesleyan’s new College of Education Studies and stepped into the role of co-chair. I completed my graduate studies and post-doctoral fellowship in the Laboratory for Developmental Studies at Harvard University, where I worked with Elizabeth Spelke and Susan Carey. I completed my undergraduate degree in Neuroscience at Brown University where I first became interested in brain mechanisms of language and learning, followed by a three-year stint as a science teacher at Saint Ann’s School in Brooklyn.